
Our Toddler Room

Starfish is our Toddler room and takes 16 children of 2-3 years of age (at any one time). We adhere to a strict ratio of 1 staff to every 4 children.

We have a fun and stimulating environment both indoors and out-doors with a well equipped room and large undercover decked area, as well as the playground area.  Our toddler room has recently had a makeover with a new home corner, lots of natural materials and wooden toys.

We are open all year round for toddlers (except 2 weeks at Christmas and New Year). We offer flexible sessions with morning, afternoon or full day options.


For children in receipt of government funding, we have both term time and all year funding options.

Currently our fees for Starfish room from September 2020 are £4.80 per hour, with a minimum booking of 8 hours per week.

PLACES CURRENTLY BOOKING FOR SEPTEMBER 2020.  2 year funded places are available for those eligible (please click on our Funding Page and follow the link to apply for two year funding).  Please get in touch to arrange a tour and see what we have to offer!