Term Dates 2021/22

February Half term- Monday 21st until Friday 25th.
We are open as usual but if you are in receipt of Term Time only funding and wish to book additional childcare for this week please telephone the office.
Sharks is closed from Friday 18th until Friday 25th (inclusive) due to Trenance Learning Academy having an INSET day on 18th February followed by Half Term. We look forward to seeing everyone from Monday 28th February.
Easter Holidays- Monday 11th until 22nd April.
Please note we are closed Friday 15th April due to the Good Friday bank holiday and Monday 18th April due to Easter Monday.
25th April- the start of the Summer holiday.
May Half Term- 30th May until 1st June
Please note we are closed on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June for the Queen’s Jubilee.
Tuesday 26th July- end of term
Wednesday 27th July- start of the Summer holidays.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.